Girl Tries to Infect Robert Pattinson with Swine Flu

16 12 2009

WTF is wrong with people?? Keep your MF’ing swiiiiiiine away from our vampire!!

you shall NOT pass!!!

Robert Pattinson reportedly lashed out at a female fan after she kissed him. Sources say the girl jumped out of a stopped car and kissed the New Moon actor before admitting she had the swine flu.

“My mom wouldn’t pull the car over to let me out because I’m just getting over the swine flu…so I jumped out at the red light just to see you,” the girl allegedly told Pattinson.

Pattinson then reportedly shoved the girl away and yelled, “You have the swine flu?!…What the hell are you doing kissing anyone?”

There are no real where’s or when’s to this story, so i don’t know if it’s totally true, but for REAL. Rahspect RoBear, please!

[via TransWorldNews]

New Twi Tatt

29 11 2009

LOLOLO:Ijgakdj asg jkda;gfga ra;lkjyg

Really? Seriously? For really REAL?????

At first I thought he had a mullet, then I realized it was actually shading… shading to accentuate his overly wide jaw and face in general. And can you please take a close look at the bottom part of the the right side of his face? Either he’s growing a second chin, or he is melting.

I seriously feel bad for this girl’s SigBoy, or future SigBoy. Missionary 4LikeEvvs.

I really don’t know if this tops the OG shitty edward tatt…

The OG Edward as Kevin Spacey Sleeve

[thanks @hothearted]

Twihard Fan Posters are Hilarious

18 11 2009

Some of the posters from fans waiting outside the New Moon premiere in L.A. were really quite comical. Twihards are seriously some of the most crazed fans out there, but they do not lack wit either. Nothing is better than a witty twihard. Duh, why you think we started this blog?

Below are a few of my favs.

notice old dude on the back right. haha what a pedo.

good question!

both of these guys are just...awesome.


you can see the rest of the gallery at Video Gum

Caius and Laurent, in my own backyard.

10 11 2009

This isn’t Forks. This isn’t Montepulciano. This is Fairfax. Virginia.

People, I don’t even know where to begin. Of all the people and all the places…. Jamie Campbell Bower and Edi Gathegi, at MY MALL! The mall that shaped my suburban american mall-rat upbringing. The mall that I once saw Vanilla Ice chilling at, now, this mall, Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax VA, brought me JamBo & Laurent.

It was so cool.

Here’s how it went down… (Read more after the jump!)

the flyer

thx JJ for sending this to me

Read the rest of this entry »

Too Far… ?

29 09 2009

This might be more on the True Blood side of the vampire craze, but warrants a comment nonetheless.

Blood Energy Potion

blood bag

blood bag

… Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency of blood.

Get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste! The re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch provides the convenient delivery of fluids for vampires and humans alike! Contains no real blood, just synthetic!

Thanks for the tip Kafangas & Gizmodo… I think.

oh kristen

8 07 2009

dear kstew,

besides being the coolest chick I have ever laid eyes upon, you are clumsy, awkward and adorable, just like our Bella. you could not be more perfect if you tried. I feel as though if you just gave me a chance, we could be very happy together. I’m not even a lesbian. that’s how much you mean to me.

love, allie


ok I'll stop now with my gratuitous kstew pic of the week. no I cant stop.

ok I'll stop now with my gratuitous kstew pic of the week. no I cant stop.

Update on the cab incident

18 06 2009

EOnline says this:

Summit released a statement: “Robert Pattinson is fine. The reports are exaggerated, and the accident was not caused by fans. Production continues.”

But Ted Casablancas from the Awful Truth is speculating that Summit does not want to alienate fans (which it doesn’t anyway), and they are downplaying the whole thing. Either way, Rob needs to be shown more respect from fans. So follow @respectrpattz on Twitter yo.


18 06 2009
Dudes, RAH-SPECT the RoBear
He gets mobbed and touched and groped and hugged by random rabid fangirls, and is visibly uncomfortable.
And now, he almost gets RUN OVER by a fucking cab, because fans pushed and shoved him into a moving vehicle. This is all too Princess Di for me kids.
He wasn’t hurt, but was obviously shaken, not to mention his security had to yell at the fans “YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!” back the eff up!!!
there there, its going to be oooook

there there, its going to be oooook

So go to this website, and read about this campaign for everyone to just chillllllll.
“RESPECT ME is a campaign to make everyone RESPECT ROBERT PATTINSON.
Recently after the excess of Twilight, Rob has been stalked by the paparazzi everywhere he goes. A few days ago he was literally attacked by crazy, wild fans during the first day filming on the set of “Remember Me”. He didn’t need bodyguards before, but now because of crazy fans he HAS to have them. So, we are really really tired and mad with those girls, the media and fansites that have been publishing things about his PRIVATE life and/or stalking him everywhere!
We know that now he is under the spotlight and everyone wants to know what is he doing or where he is, but there are ways to do so properly, and we know so many girls in the world want to know him, be near him or take pictures with him, but there are ways too!, He is not an OBJECT, he is a human being that NEEDS to walk, breathe, WORK or even smoke in peace! It is so sad to watch videos of the disturbing things in NY with girls crowding to take pics with Rob anyhow! That’s so RUDE girls! That’s not being a REAL fan! See that Rob’s expression broke our hearts and almost made us cry! Really!
So, we decided to start this campaign against all that we think is not cool to Rob! He needs to be respected! You need to respect his private life!”
And dont forget to add this banner to your blog, website,fansite, myspace, whateves…
add it

add it

A lil Remember Me montage

16 06 2009

Its only been filming for like what? one day?  There’s so much coverage on the production of this movie ,I bet they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into by hiring RoBear as their lead actor. 

Here, a choice selection. You get the idea.


dont look at me

dont look at me

live long and prosper. Rob's a trekkie? so tight

live long and prosper. Rob's a trekkie? so tight

that rabid fanbitch needs to let go of his arm! dont touch!

that rabid fanbitch needs to let go of his arm! dont touch!


le sigh

le sigh

wtf ftw fml

wtf ftw fml

There’s a whole rack more of Remember Me Day 1 over at TwilightPoison.

KStew is the new RPattz

12 06 2009

Stopping at a gas station? Smoking a cig in a slightly ajar door? 

The paps are so on her dick. I love it. I dont know about you but I def have the burning desire to see what she is doing every second of every day.

Poor girl. 


uh just paying for my gas guys. and buying some rolling papers.

uh just paying for my gas guys. and buying some rolling papers.

something tells me this attention amuses her.

something tells me this attention amuses her.