Kristen and Taylor are now in Knoxville!

17 11 2009

They dont sleep. They dont stop. They cant stop. They are the Upper Twi Crust and they have to keep promoting this machine….

L.A. Premiere was just LAST night after a whirlwind week in Europe, including stops in Munich, Madrid, and London. Then appearances on Jay Leno (TayLaut), Conan (KStew) and Ellen (Robear)- NOW these two have ALREADY flown to Knoxville for the charity premiere of New Moon  at the Regal Pinnacle theater in Turkey Creek. All in a week. I am exhausted just typing about it. 

Dedication buck, that’s what’s going to keep this unstoppable Twi machine going.

And just an FY-TWI, The Fierce one is wearing a Jason Wu Spring 2010 RTW Strapless Dress in Knoxville tonight. So sick.

when I get a picture of Kristen in this dress, I shall post it. but for now this will do.



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