Summit confirms Leah and Seth Clearwater roles

18 08 2009

Julia Jones will play Leah Clearwater. She is a budding actress that just recieved the luckiest break of her career. Her life is about to change like she wouldn’t even imagine.

i has a broken heart

BooBoo Stewart (no relation to kstew) is 15 and has been acting since he was 10. He has mostly done random TV appearances, but for being a 15yo he has quite a few gigs under his belt. He is a lot younger looking than i imagined, but i trust Summit in their casting skills. I mean look what they have done so far.

young, spunky, and adory

young, spunky, and adory

What do you think of Summit’s choices for the roles of Leah and Seth?



3 responses

25 10 2009

What, I thought that it was Vanessa Hudgens

27 11 2009

i thought it was vanessa hudgens
she is so much prettier( no offence)

7 05 2010

I’m really glad they chose these actors, they seem like they can embody seth and Leah. Vanessa hudgens would have been a disaster.

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